Ant-Man: 10 Key Questions We Want Answered

1. Is The Theme A Step Too Far?

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has had some pretty weird concepts so far - a man who wears a powered armour, a guy who turns in to a big green monster when he's angry, a soldier brought back to life after 70 years trapped in ice, a talking raccoon and a walking tree - but could this one be a step too far? Ant-Man will see characters using scientific means to alter their size to the extent that they are smaller than insects and to communicate with and ride on said insects. It's not just outlandish - it's crazy - and it may just come across as a joke. That said, audiences have taken to the other weird concepts and Marvel Studios continue surprise us with their brilliance, so it could just be a massive success. Here's hoping. So there you have it - ten key questions we want answered regarding the Ant-Man movie. Did you enjoy this article? Do you want to know the answers to these questions? What else do you want to know about this project? Let us know in the comments section below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.