Ant-Man: 10 Key Questions We Want Answered

2. Is There Actually Time To Make This Movie Work?

Following all the trouble with Edgar Wright leaving the project and subsequently having to find a new director, a new script had to be quickly written and filming for Ant-Man didn't commence until August of 2014 - less than a year prior to its release in July of 2015. To put the predicament in to perspective, filming is still ongoing and Martin Donovan was only added to the cast this month with only around nine months to go until the film's release - and, bearing in mind how much post-production will be required on a movie so heavy on special effects, you have to be concerned about whether it will even be ready come July of 2015, let alone about what the quality of the movie will be like. We really hope Marvel Studios and Peyton Reed surprise us with Ant-Man, but they've got one hell of a task on their hands.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.