Ant-Man: 10 Ways It Can Link To The Avengers

1. Hank Pym's Ultron Connection

As has been mentioned numerous times, Hank Pym created Ultron in the comics, but in the movies, it was confirmed that it would be Tony Stark who creates Ultron. It was assumed from that point on that Pym€™s role was simply marginalized and Ant-Man would be much more isolated from the rest of the MCU. But then the synopsis of Age of Ultron was released and it stated that Tony €œjumpstarts a dormant peacekeeping program.€ Given Pym€™s connection with S.H.I.E.L.D. and Tony€™s father, that dormant peacekeeping program could have been one created by Pym. It€™s still not known exactly why Pym hung up his Ant-Man suit or what happened to Janet Van Dyne, but there are perhaps a few clues. Evangeline Lily€™s character is Hope Van Dyne, not Hope Pym, and that could suggest a rift between Hank and Jan in the film with Hope taking her mother€™s side. Given Hope€™s described role as helping Cross take over Pym€™s company, this seems likely. Perhaps that rift between Hank and Jan came about because of Hank€™s involvement with the program that served as Ultron€™s predecessor. If so, this adds another layer and another connection to Ant-Man and the MCU as a whole. Many Avengers fans were disappointed to hear that Tony would be Ultron€™s creator, not Hank. But with talk of Ultron spinning out of a dormant program, this could very well mean that Hank was still a creator of Ultron in some small way. And if it€™s true, Marvel has managed to find a way to toss in a little wink to the fans while also blazing ahead with a new trail. Do you agree with our theories or have some of your own? Let us know in the comments!

Percival Constantine is the author of several novels and short stories, including the Vanguard superhero series, and regularly writes and comments on movies, comics, and other pop culture. More information can be found at his website,