Ant-Man: 13 Obscure Easter Eggs & References You Probably Missed

6. The Triskelion To Be

Ant-Man Obscure Easter Eggs.
Marvel Studios

There are a couple of Easter Eggs included in Ant-Man for the construction workers among the audience. How often do you get to say things like that?

First off, when the film opens on the 1980s version of SHIELD head-quarters, it's clear that it's the same Triskelian structure later seen in Captain America: The Winter Soldier (when it was symbolically smashed to pieces). Back then thought, the base was still under construction and is not quite the complete structure it becomes later.

There's also a blink-and-you'll miss it revelation at the new Avengers facility that Kevin Feige pointed out:

“If you were to do a freeze frame of that reveal in Ant-Man of the Avengers facility, you’ll see the part that you saw at the end of Ultron, but you’ll also see a section you didn’t see in Ultron, but will be a primary section in Civil War. That’s the kind of thing you won’t know until you see Civil War.”

That's a mighty leading quote: presumably it's a big enough deal in Civil War to be in Feige's mind, so maybe it's something to do with registration? That would be boring, frankly. Let's just imagine it's a super-cool training room with fire hoops and spikes instead.


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