Ant-Man: 8 Actors Who Could Play Young Hank Pym

3. Nathan Fillion

Nathan Fillion is one of those actors whose name seemingly comes up whenever a new superhero role becomes available. In the past, he's been most notably linked to the roles of Superman, Batman and Green Lantern, as well as himself claiming he'd like to play Scorpion in a Spider-Man film if the chance arose. So, it goes without saying, if the Hank Pym gig is available, Fillion is going to be linked to it. Over the last few years, Fillion has regularly fuelled the fire by declaring his interest in Ant-Man, only to then quickly follow this up by shooting down the exact same stories. Either way, at the last count, the actor said that it wouldn't be possible for him to have any involvement in Ant-Man due to the hectic schedule he has with Castle. Having worked with Joss Whedon on Firefly and Serenity, could it be out of the question that the MCU's mastermind can work his charm on Fillion to get him on board as the young Hank Pym?
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