Ant-Man Review: 8 Ways It's Better Than Avengers: Age Of Ultron

2. The Trailers Didn't Give Away Too Much

Marvel may produce some of the best blockbusters around, but their marketing can sometimes have a lot lacking. They can produce incredible teasers (Guardians Of The Galaxy's debut trailer is still a fun watch), but often ruin solid groundwork as the release date looms, releasing more and more trails, TV spots and clips that leave you knowing the whole plot and details of key set-pieces before the Marvel logo even plays. Ant-Man's ad campaign wasn't their best, with early teasers confused at how to sell the movie and later posters leaning a bit too much on the tangential connection to The Avengers. But through all that, they managed to not give away all that much. The broad strokes of the story are there and most key scenes have some representation (they even let slip a kinda cool cameo in a Spanish TV spot), but a good amount is left to the imagination, making for a more exciting first viewing. Compare this to Avengers: Age Of Ultron, whose marketing was so revealing one fan managed to make a rough cut of the film from all the materials pre-release that would up being shockingly accurate. Marketing doesn't have a major bearing on the ultimate quality of a movie, but does influence how entertaining an experience it is. And Ant-Man greatly benefits from that air of the unknown.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.