Ant-Man Review: 8 Ways It's Better Than Avengers: Age Of Ultron

1. The Post-Credits Scenes Are Actually Important (NO SPOILERS)

Aside from Stan Lee, there's nothing more intrinsic to a Marvel movie than a surprising post-credit scene. Whether it's Nick Fury turning up at Tony Stark's Malibu pad, Baron Strucker inspecting the twins or Howard The Duck mocking The Collector, they're invariably exciting and fun moments that cap off the film at hand while also looking towards the future. Now we're well into the franchise, however, there's few new places to go. All that can be really done is a silly, fan-baiting joke or a tease of whatever part of the currently in-production movies kinda links to the new release. They're still fun, but don't have quite the same impact as when the future slate was totally unclear. Avengers: Age Of Ultron's was endemic of this - showing Thanos getting his mitts on the Infinity Gauntlet, it wasn't much more than an extension of the scene from the end of the first film, offering very little and telling you even less. If anything, it showed narrative stagnation; it had been assumed up until then that the Mad Titan was already well engaged in his mission to collect the Infinity Stones, so this sets him back quite a bit. Ant-Man not only brings back the trend of having two stings, but both of them are pretty great. In the interests of preserving any surprises, we won't discuss what they involve here, but know that do leave Age Of Ultron's eleven seconds in the dust. What did you think of Avengers: Age Of Ultron? Does Ant-Man have a chance of topping it for you? Share your thoughts down in the comments.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.