Ant-Man And The Wasp Trailer Reactions: 8 Ups & 4 Downs

1. The Fast & Furious Vibe

Ant-Man and the Wasp Car
Marvel Studios

If you like that sort of thing, the Fast & Furious movies are good for a laugh and a bit of disposable entertainment that don't ask too much of you. They're popcorn movies in the purest sense, but they also exist in a bubble that should never be allowed to bleed out into the normal world.

To that end, it's a bit of a shame that this trailer seems to be aiming a little too squarely at the same sort of demographic. Sure, the chase scene looks innovative, but do we need to see that much vehicular action in a 1:45 trailer? Is that really what Ant-Man's appeal is?

And now to the positives...


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