Ant-Man & The Wasp Extra Features: 10 Things We Learned

2. The Art Department Has WAY More Creative Input Than You Think

Marvel Cinematic Universe Art
Marvel Studios

A featurette called "The Art of the Marvel Cinematic Universe" also gives a rare glimpse into the unsung genius of the MCU's visual development group, a small, in-house team of extremely skilled artists who design almost every aspect of the characters, vehicles and props.

The team effectively serves as a "medium" between the comic books, the writers and the directors as the movie is being put together, spending three to four months working on designs which are ultimately delivered to the relevant departments.

The team are the ones who deliberate on minute aspects of the character aesthetics, such as the colour of Iron Man's in-air contrail, and how long the energy burst from it lasts, for instance.

They also work closely with the individual directors, testing out images and ideas the filmmakers aren't quite sure will work when they get to actually shooting the movie.

What's perhaps most interesting of all, though, is how many concept art images translate almost exactly to the big screen, suggesting many of the MCU's most memorable moments are as much an effort of the behind-the-scenes artists as they are, say, the Russo brothers.

It's worth keeping all this in mind the next time you watch an MCU movie: these guys are kinda the real heroes.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.