Anthony Hopkins: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

Here's a project that had a rickety production history from the very outset, such that Hopkins probably should have known better and not jumped aboard it late in pre-production as he did. Remaking the 1941 Lon Chaney Jr.-starring classic is challenging enough without directors constantly fleeing the project, but it certainly didn't help any that the film was saddled with a dull script and terrible visual effects, detracting from the stunning effects make-up from the legendary Rick Baker.

Though there's a neat twist in the film that Hopkins' John Talbot - father of the more prominent Wolfman, Laurence (Benicio Del Toro) - is himself a werewolf, this means we get less of Hopkins lending a grandfatherly presence to the film and more of him wandering around in a hilarious werewolf get-up that, like his Hitchcockian makeup, just suffocates his performance.

Though he sports an awesome beard, he puts himself through a good round of humiliation in this stillborn remake.


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