Anthony Hopkins: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

2. Gaylord Oaks - Bad Company (2002)

Anthony Hopkins Chris Rock Bad Company
Buena Vista

Now admittedly, the idea of casting Anthony Hopkins opposite Chris Rock definitely had me intrigued; it meant that the film was either going to be brilliant or a complete less, and unfortunately it was the latter. Though with the right script it might have worked, Hopkins and Rock don't gel well together at all here; Rock plays the twin brother of a CIA agent who is killed in the line of duty, and he is recruited to help finish a pivotal part of the mission.

Hopkins transitions into the inevitable old-guy mentor period of his career, playing the guy who has to train him up. Though Rock's absurd miscasting somewhat distracts us from Hopkins' not-fussed performance, there's no denying that Hopkins was totally wrong for the role, and clearly had a yacht to pay off or something.

It's easy to admire Hopkins wanting to try something different, but when it's this bad - earning a paltry 10% on Rotten Tomatoes and failing to make its $70m budget back - we wonder why he even bothered.


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