Anthony Hopkins: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

1. Father Lucas Trevant - The Rite (2011)

Anthony Hopkins The Rite
Warner Bros.

Anthony Hopkins' dreadful supernatural horror pic The Rite did actually receive a few positive notices for Hopkins' performance, described by some critics as "unhinged" and "restrained" in appropriate degrees, though I don't think we saw the same film; this is clearly the legendary actor slumming it at his most desperate.

It's difficult to imagine what he saw in such a limp project, and though Hopkins fills the statuesque shoes of a legendary exorcist ably enough, the film feels entirely in the shadow of the genre's best entry - William Friedkin's inimitable classic, The Exorcist. The scenes in which Hopkins is possessed late in the day come off as extremely hammy and unintentionally hilarious.

Despite the actor's best efforts to just run with the material, it's cringe-inducing to watch, and due to being cast opposite a mild lead actor in Colin O'Donoghue, all Hopkins can do is flail around helplessly on screen.

What are your favourite and least favourite Anthony Hopkins performances? Let us know what you think in the comments below.


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