Aquaman: 10 Best Moments

6. Arthur Vs. Orm: Round One

Aquaman Movie
Warner Bros.

After Arthur ends up captured by Orm's men, he challenges his half-brother to a duel in the underwater Ring of Fire, an utterly ridiculous-looking - yet ludicrously entertaining - gladiatorial arena.

The fight itself definitely suffers a little from blurry, weightless CGI issues, but the sheer barmy spectacle of it, complete with an army of extras going full ham as they watch the fight unfold, not to mention a freaking octopus playing the drums, is a goofy delight.

It's basically an insane video game boss fight brought to life, even if it follows the howlingly predictable formula of having the over-confident hero lose in his first fight against a more driven enemy (Black Panther, anyone?).

Thankfully for Arthur, though, he's saved from death by Mera, before they're forced to outrun both Orm's forces and Atlantis' hydro-cannons in a deliriously breakneck sequence.

And because the action hasn't been nutty enough yet, the pair then decide to fake their deaths and hide inside a giant whale's mouth, Pinocchio-style.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.