Aquaman: 10 Best Moments

5. Black Manta's Insane Suit Prep Montage

Aquaman Black Manta
Warner Bros.

Black Manta is hanging out somewhere in the Indian Ocean (that's literally what the title card says), when Orm has his soldiers deliver a consignment of prototype Atlantean technology to help him fight Arthur.

Manta then decides to test out an experimental weapon, which can convert water into energised plasma, by firing it at a nearby rock face. After this we smash cut to arguably the most demented scene in the entire movie: a gearing-up montage scored to Depeche Mode's classic tune "It's No Good."

As great as the song is, it's an hilariously off-kilter fit for the tone of the scene, and the lyrics ("we have all the time in the world") don't even fit the urgency of Manta's mission.

Outrageously, the montage then ends with a needle-drop as the over-powered Manta helmet fires out a plasma burst, almost obliterating him in the process.

It's simply amazing that Warner Bros. let James Wan sneak such a weird scene into the movie, but then again, they did sign off on that drum-playing octopus.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.