Aquaman: 10 Best Moments

4. The Sicily Chase

Aquaman Black Manta
Warner Bros.

Manta then pursues Arthur and Mera to Sicily, where they're continuing their fetch quest for the Trident of Atlan.

In the film's standout set-piece, Manta and his cronies launch an all-out assault on the pair, with Manta fighting Arthur while Mera battles his lesser goons.

Wan slickly slides between the parallel action, often within the same fluid single take, while the easy highlights are unquestionably Mera smashing Murk's (Ludi Lin) helmet and forcing him to drink from the toilet, and then using her powers to impale the remaining goons with spikes made of red wine. Seriously.

Manta then takes his leave from the movie after Arthur forces his helmet to backfire on itself, catapulting him into the ocean. It's the last time we see Manta until he finally, ahem, resurfaces in the mid-credits scene.

The CGI may be far from perfect in this sequence, but it nevertheless oozes style and proves just how smart a choice Wan was to direct the movie.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.