Aquaman: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

1. James Wan

Aquaman Movie
Warner Bros/EW

The last component of Aquaman that should get you hyped up for its release is the man in charge, James Wan. While he's best known for his ability to scare, you need to look beyond just the scares and recognize his ability to move the camera in innovative and interesting ways. Ambitious long takes that could've easily been several shots, the way he'll have the camera follow a character like they're the ones holding it, his ability to avoid too many static shots, all of it is exceptional and helps to reiterate his status as a top-tier director.

Sure, he may only have one action movie under his belt, but when that one action movie is the notably-impressive Furious 7 (a film synonymous with practical, insane action set pieces), then his ability to direct action is evident.

To top it all off, he's already illustrating his camerawork chops in Aquaman with that rooftop chase scene in the extended trailer. Clearly James Wan didn't leave his ambitious side for just the underwater sequences. Wan's involvement was always going to a plus with this project, but his obvious passion for the character means that Aquaman was crafted by a huge fan of the material.

In the end, no matter what kind of project it is, a film made with passion is never in bad hands.

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Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.