Aquaman: 10 Things Fans Demand Most

7. Mermance

Aquaman First Look
Warner Bros.

The romance between Mera and Arthur is clearly a large part of the new film from its presence in the trailer. That said, it's still an exciting prospect - partially because the whole thing is like a grown-up Little Mermaid, and partially because Mera is one of the most unexpectedly well-developed love interests in DC - if not in comics as a whole.

Well-written, engaging female characters are no new sight for the comic-film industry, but adding another one to their ranks is nothing to complain about – especially when it lets us see a softer side of an often very harshly portrayed hero.

Crucially, Mera is also the character that will let us see what this universe’s merfolk are like. Aquaman may be king, but it’s Mera who has lived her full life among Atlanteans, and so she’ll also be our best example of what their morals and culture are like.

There is a chance that the whole romance will be made cookie-cutter as hell in order to take a backseat to the actual plot –it wouldn’t be the first time a film has done so. But, until it’s out, our dreams for a sea-based romance, that is at minimum cheerier than the Titanic, lives on.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.