Aquaman: 23 WTF Moments

20. The Impractical Soldiers' Helmets

Aquaman Soldier
Warner Bros.

In what appears to be a loving tribute to Star Wars, the stormtrooper stand-ins in James Wan's universe have just as terrible uniforms that are deeply impractical and mostly useless.

The sub-aquatic henchmen who do Orm's evil bidding both under the sea and on land, thanks to their reverse scuba suits are lumbered with incredibly heavy-looking armour, which you'd think would be a problem for their aquadynamics. But since science doesn't exist in this film, nobody wearing a tonne of metal seems to be subject to the laws of mass and sinking anyway.

More problematically for the mooks is their helmet design. They have face holes, clearly designed for them to look out of, but in the interest of them looking cool, the holes show only their mouths, with their eyes obscured by the top portion of the helmet. How can they even see when their visors literally cover their eyes? What sort of idiotic design is that?!

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