Aquaman Final Trailer Reactions: 5 Ups & 5 Downs

3. More Willem Dafoe & Dolph Lundgren

Aquaman Nuidis Vulko Willem Dafoe
Warner Bros.

It's pretty surprising how little we've seen of Willem Dafoe in Aquaman's trailers so far, and though it's quite probable he only has a small role in the film - perhaps even being killed off early on - you'd think Warner Bros. would want to play-up the presence of an acting great of his calibre.

Thankfully Dafoe makes a few brief but neat appearances in this final trailer, both in his CGI-assisted younger form and in the present, bestowing a quest upon Arthur to retrieve a trident which will allow him to take on Ocean Master.

Elsewhere we also catch some glimpses of Dolph Lundgren, who will play King Nereus, the leader of the Xebel tribe and father of Mera (Amber Heard).

Lundgren also isn't likely to have a huge part in the film, but he sure looks cool as hell with his peppery red beard and facial hair, and it's simply great to see him in a movie of this scale in 2018 (mere weeks after Creed II, no less).

It wouldn't surprise anyone if both of them are dead before the end of the movie, but the actors should hopefully add some heft from the Hollywood old-guard before they bite the big one.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.