Army Of The Dead: 9 Stupid Blunders That Completely Ruined It

7. It's 150 Minutes Because... Reasons

Kate Ward Army Of The Dead Ella Purnell

As it should go without saying, there was no remote need for this movie to be 150 minutes long. It'd be fine if this extra length was spent on world-building or action, but unfortunately much of the film is padded out with underwhelming subplots and bland dialogue heavy scenes that don't go anywhere.

Because of its inflated length, Army of the Dead is constantly losing momentum and it also takes forever to actually get to the core action. Still, even once the crew get into Las Vegas, there remains a sense that the picture is always stopping and starting, and this just isn't a well-paced film at all.

Ideally, the movie could've been a couple of hours long, with half an hour of material trimmed away; it's likely that the movie would've flowed a lot better that way. Besides, there's plenty that could've been jettisoned without harming the overall product.

Most prominently, there are a couple of terrible subplots that should've been thrown right out...


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.