Army Of The Dead: 9 Stupid Blunders That Completely Ruined It

5. The Geeta Subplot Was A Waste Of Time

Kate Ward Army Of The Dead Ella Purnell

The other thing that should've been cut out entirely is the whole subplot involving Geeta (Huma Qureshi), a migrant and friend of Katie Ward, who had gone into the quarantined city but hadn't returned.

When Katie finds out about this, she insists on accompanying the heist team in order to try and find Geeta, which is one of the many ridiculous and illogical plot points in the film.

Since this is all so ludicrous - how did Katie expect to find Geeta? Why would she go into a dangerous zombie-infested city when she isn't trained to defend herself at all? - this entire subplot feels jarring from the off, and it adds extra baggage to an already-overstuffed film.

Worse still, she later puts everyone in danger by running off on her own to find Geeta - the film's dumbest decision, and that's saying something - meaning the others have to delay their escape and go and find her.

Miraculously, Katie does find and rescue Geeta, who's been kept captive by the zombies' leader... but then Geeta apparently dies off-screen at the end in a helicopter crash, rendering this entire bloody subplot completely pointless. Urgh!!


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.