Army Of The Dead: Every Crew Member Ranked Worst To Best
3. Lily The Coyote

The Coyote's introduction to this movie was a masterclass in setting up an awesome character by drip-feeding information about them before having them become a significant player.
Lily - played wonderfully by Nora Arnezeder - was tough to make out at first, as the information you knew about her painted her in a different light, but as you grew to know The Coyote, you realised she wasn't what you thought.
The film first mentions The Coyote as a person who smuggles quarantine camp detainees into Vegas to gather the money to escape the zone. She seems like a take-no-nonsense person who only looks out for herself and leaves people behind to help herself. But, as the film continues, you learn that she does care about others and that while she looks out for herself, she's willing to take risks to save the crew.
Behind that tough exterior is a heart of gold.
In addition to her great motive, Lily enters the movie as the character with the most knowledge of the zombie hierarchy and its rules, which allows her to act as an excellent guide through the exposition of this world. This gives her a high-status position, making her a truly memorable part of the film.