Arnold Schwarzenegger: 5 More Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

4. Dr. Alex Hesse - Junior (1994)

Arnie Baby Somewhat inconceivably, the same year that Arnie made the glorious True Lies, he was also the lead in Junior, a mind-bending, gender-bending, science-bending comedy re-teaming the star with Danny Devito after the success of Twins in 1988. The story, which needs no long introduction, cast Arnie as mild-mannered and least convincing gynecologist ever, Dr Alex Hesse (seriously would you allow either Arnie or DeVito to examine you?!) who ignores the strictly regulated rules of science by testing a fertility drug on himself and becoming pregnant. Ignoring the fact that the science could have been drawn up by a child with a crayon, the resolution that Hesse becomes a science hero for his work, rather than being struck off and blacklisted for reckless endangerment, and condemned to a freak show for being the only creature in existence able to grow a child without a womb, is utterly stupid. The comedy is flat, and though there is some comedy in the body shock elements that culminate in the haunting vision of a baby with Arnie's face that feels like something David Cronenberg would have rejected as too weird, the vision of Arnie in drag is the low point of a poor all round experience.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.