Arnold Schwarzenegger: Every Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

33. Hercules In New York (1969)

Schwarzenegger's first feature is also his worst, and along with Red Sonja (more on that later...) is one of only two movies that the actor has openly admitted he regrets starring in. Billed as 'Arnold Strong' thanks to many believing his surname was unpronounceable, Hercules in New York also sees the thick-accented newcomer being unconvincingly dubbed over in this low-budget fantasy. At age 22 with very little acting training, Schwarzenegger signed on to emulate his idol Reg Park, who had played Hercules in several movies. The result is a bargain-basement oddity, notable only for its status as the Austrian Oak's big screen debut. In later years, to capitalize on its star's A-list status, the movie was re-released with Schwarzenegger's audio track reinstated, but that doesn't make the movie any better.

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