Avatar: The Last Airbender - 7 Things That Need To Be In The Live Action Series

We have been burned by this before, let's make sure it doesn't happen again.

Live Action Avatar Concept Art

When it was first announced that Netflix was interested in making a live action Avatar: The Last Airbender series, fans were wary. The 2010 film-that-shall-not-be-named has left a majority of Avatar fans feeling burned due to careless production. (They couldn't even get the main character's first name right.) Once it was revealed that the show would be produced by the original creators of the animated series, Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, ears perked up.

It appears the disgrace of the M. Night Shamalyan film has not fallen on deaf ears. Their efforts to make this series happen should be considered an apology and promise to give their fans the quality that they had come accustomed to.

The showrunners have also won over big with their announcement that they will be paying close attention to the cultures the show draws from, promising to make it "a culturally appropriate, non-whitewashed cast." As long as they can deliver on the unspoken promise to make this show as amazing as the animated series, there cannot be a way for this to fail. So long as the fans give them to chance to do so.

It is easy to fall into the trap of wanting the show to be a shot-by-shot recreation. If that were to happen though, the show would be boring. As long as the over-arching story of Aang defeating the Fire Lord is the same, fans should be more than content.

That being said, there is still a list of things from the show that absolutely need to make it into the live-action project, should they want it to be a success.

7. Appa And Momo's Personalities

Live Action Avatar Concept Art

Appa and Momo are as important members of the group as any of the humans.

There would have been no plausible way for our gang to have succeeded had they not been able to hop on Appa's back and fly away. To not give him a personality would be a discredit to his character.

It's easy to want to turn Appa into the generic animal sidekick that Disney loves to cart out. What's so refreshing about Appa is that he's docile and laid back. An ideal day for him would be to lay in the sun while having food brought to him. That is not to say he doesn't have a temper: if you dare cross him or one of his friends, he will stomp on you.

Momo, on the other hand, is a completely different story. Though equally food-obsessed as Appa, Momo will use whatever means possible to get to said food. He pops up in places he shouldn't be, take things that he shouldn't take, and causes general mischieve. His chemistry with Sokka brings a much-needed comedy relief to the show, which keeps the dark subject matter from sullying the upbeat tone.


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