Avatar: The Way Of Water - 22 WTF Moments
7. The Tulkuns' Brains Create An Anti-Ageing Remedy
But because demonising the whalers for hunting the tulkuns apparently wasn't enough, we actually learn precisely what it is they want them for.
No, they're not using them for their meat or blubber, but rather a yellow goo-like enzyme called Amrita contained within their brains.
While drilling into one of the tulkun's brains and extracting the liquid, the thoroughly detestable Captain Mick Scoresby (Brendan Cowell) explains that Amrita is able to stop human ageing, and as a result it's the single most valuable resource known to man.
The vial that Scorseby extracts from a single tulkun is worth around $80 million, though Spider laments that the whalers simply discard the rest of the creature rather than making use of its entire body.