Avengers 2: 10 Things You Need To Know About New Characters
3. The Vision = Human Torch?
Many people assume that the Vision is a robot like Ultron, but this actually is not the case. The Vision isnt made of metal, but instead plastics. Hes a synthetic man and is every bit a human being as anyone else complete with bodily organs, except the organs are artificial.
Whats more interesting is how Ultron created the Vision. As we already mentioned, he used the brainwaves of Wonder Man for the Visions personality, but the Visions body also has roots in Marvel history. His body once belonged to another synthetic characterJim Hammond, the WW2-era Human Torch. When Hammond later turned up alive in the modern day, this aspect was retconned until Avengers Forever revealed that the Vision was created from a duplicate of Hammonds body created by the time traveling Immortus.
So what does this have to do with the movie when Captain America was the only superhero operating during WW2 as far as the Marvel Cinematic Universe is concerned? For this, we have to go back to Captain America: The First Avenger and the scene at the Worlds Fair when were first introduced to Howard Stark. If you look closely, one of the exhibits is titled THE SYNTHETIC MAN and inside is a synthetic man dressed in a red and yellow outfitthe same as the Golden Age Human Torch.
It seems possible JARVIS consciousness will be downloaded into the synthetic Jim Hammond, creating the Vision.