Avengers 3: 10 Rumours That Are Already Surfacing

2. Several Members Of The Current Roster Will Be Missing

Some of the more startling rumours that are starting to surface about Avengers 3 are that a number of the existing Avengers roster will not be a part of it. Specifically, Captain America, Thor, Hulk and Black Widow, it is rumoured, will not be involved with Avengers 3, while Iron Man has long been rumoured to have disappeared before this movie comes around. They won't necessarily all be dead - don't worry too much - but some may be off doing their own thing. Essentially, this wouldn't just leave us with a few new members, it would leave us with an entirely new team. Whether you wanted to view that as a positive or a negative thing would be entirely up to you.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.