The Avengers 3: 10 Ways Thanos Could Be Defeated

6. Nebula

Could we see Thanos being defeated in exactly the same that he was in the Infinity Gauntlet story arc? It's certainly a distinct possibility, given that the character who ultimately brought him down is Nebula, who Karen Gillan is due to portray in this August's Guardians of the Galaxy. After the collective heroes present - including the likes of Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man and Thor - fail to stop Thanos in his quest for universal domination, it takes a simple momentary lapse in concentration for Thanos to lose the Infinity Gauntlet. Nebula simply grabs it off him, bringing to an end his reign of terror and undoing everything he had previously done with the item of power. Although this would be something of an anti-climatic outcome to the Thanos/Infinity Gauntlet saga in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (given the action-packed alternative ways in which Thanos could potentially be defeated), it would certainly be a fitting tribute to the source material.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.