The Avengers 3: 10 Ways Thanos Could Be Defeated

5. A Guardians Of The Galaxy/Avengers Team-Up

Could Thanos' demise in Avengers 3 be as simple as two teams coming together to overpower him? The Guardians of the Galaxy movie will be hitting our screens in just over a month and, if links are established with the titular team and Earth - or if indeed they simply know of Thanos' intentions and follow him - there is no reason why the cosmic team won't turn up to assist the Avengers in their (and the universe's) hour of need. Imagine if you will that Thanos is tearing through the Avengers like butter - knocking down the Hulk, smashing Tony Stark's armour, shrugging off shots from Mjolnir as if it was an inflatable hammer - and, all of a sudden, backup arrives in the form of an anthropomorphic raccoon, a walking tree and a ragtag band of space misfits. Seeing the two very different teams joining forces to overwhelm Thanos with the numbers game would be absolutely awesome to see and, at this moment in time, it does seem like one of the most likely scenarios.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.