Avengers 4: 10 Rumours We Hope Aren't True

3. The X-Men And Fantastic Four Join The MCU

Avengers 4 Hulk

Ever since Marvel's parent company Disney revealed plans to buy out Fox's movie assets, fans have been wondering if, how and when the X-Men and the Fantastic Four might be joining the MCU. While this is bound to happen at some point, the internet chatter, reflected here by Elite Daily, about Avengers 4 being the film to integrate them feels premature.

The MCU has been mutant-free so far, so to abruptly dump a new species into it would upset the balance, and we know how much that would upset Thanos.

When Marvel reached an agreement with Sony to secure Spider-Man's services, it seemed like only a matter of weeks before he was swinging onto the scene in the Captain America: Civil War trailers, but where Professor Xavier, his pupils and the Fantastic Four are concerned, restraint should be exercised.

It would be easy for Marvel to make a few headlines with a Wolverine or Mr. Fantastic cameo in Avengers 4, though the studio should take the time to consider how these characters fit into the MCU picture, and this is a question for Phase 4 and beyond.

There's no reason why Avengers 4 shouldn't pave the way for mutants in the MCU when it rejigs the franchise's timeline, but a fully-fledged crossover with the Fox properties should come much further down the line.

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