Avengers 4: 10 Rumours We Hope Aren't True

2. The Fallen Heroes Are Inside The Soul Stone

Avengers 4 Hulk

Many of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's greatest heroes, from Spider-Man to Black Panther, crumbled to dust at the end of Infinity War. Their physical forms were carried away by the wind, but some fans will have you believe their essences survived.

There is precedent for this from the world of Marvel Comics, as in the Infinity Gauntlet storyline, the fallen heroes end up imprisoned inside the Soul Stone, which houses a tiny paradise dubbed the Soul World. This is the same place where Thanos crossed paths with a young Gamora after snapping his fingers.

As reported by the Express, some fans are convinced that the souls of the deceased Avengers have been transported to this location, and are trapped there waiting to be freed.

Beyond the fact that the Soul World clearly exists in the MCU, there is nothing to suggest the ghosts of half of Infinity War's cast are lurking there. If anything, the revelation that they are in some metaphysical halfway house would only undermine what Thanos did when he snapped his fingers at the end of Infinity War.

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