Avengers 4: 15 Biggest New Rumours You Need To See

12. There'll Be NO Fox/Marvel Characters

Thanos Snap X Men
Marvel Studios

The Rumour

According to noted Twitter film voice Daniel RPK, despite the Fox/Disney deal and rumours of either the Fantastic Four, Silver Surfer or even some X-Men turning up to build into Phase 4 of the MCU, there won't be any formerly Fox-owned Marvel characters involved in Avengers 4.


From a purely logistical standpoint, he's probably correct. The only way any of those characters could play a part in Avengers 4 is if a separate pre-deal was organised to free up the characters' rights before the full deal came into play. And that's just not all that likely.

It would arguably be the perfect point to launch Phase 4 and the Fox characters, what with the possibility of opening up the multiverse a little more, but for now, it's probably unlikely we're going to see any of these characters.

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