Avengers 4 : 7 Most Likely Characters To Sacrifice Themselves

5. Rocket Raccoon

Landscape 1463046926 Rocket Raccoon

Sure, there's a Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3 coming out, but that doesn't necessarily mean that all of the original cast members will return for it, and unfortunately for fans of Rocket Raccoon, he doesn't really have much to do now.

Yes, he's the pilot of the Guardians' ship and he's their inventor of sorts, but his personal development has already been resolved in Vol 2 and aside for a prequel series investigating his origin and how he teamed up with Groot, there's not that much to really say about him as an individual. Now might be the perfect time for him to make a name for himself by dying for the cause.

Any Foreshadowing?

Rocket's arc from his first appearance in the first Guardians movie has very much been about turning away from the self-preservation of isolation and becoming part of a family. He has learnt (some) humility, the value of friendship and why altruism matters, having been neglected and abused in his past.

And what more fitting a way to bring that arc to a conclusion than to have him lay down his life for the family he now recognises. It'd make a nice change to Groot dying over and over.

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Avengers 4
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