Avengers 4 : 7 Most Likely Characters To Sacrifice Themselves

3. Thor

Thor Ragnarok Ending
Marvel Studios

Despite the fact that he still has to rehouse the surviving Asgardians somewhere (probably Earth), Thor might not be able to sit on the throne for long. Chris Hemsworth is one of the highest profile MCU actors whose contract is coming to an end with Avengers 4 and the question of his worthiness would be answered without question were he to lay down his life to defeat Thanos.

He's one of the strongest Avengers currently still alive and it would definitely take something remarkable to kill him, but that might be why he has to choose to die himself.

Any Foreshadowing?

Thor has already said that Thanos will pay for what he did to Heimdall (and probably Loki too at a push) and having failed to best him with pure strength and a weapon designed specifically for the job, he may think a different approach is needed. How about sacrificing himself for theose that were clicked out of existence?

And there's that deleted scene from Avengers: Age Of Ultron where Thor talks about sacrifice to consider too. Sure, at the time he was answering Selvig on how to defeat Ultron, but his vision had been all about Thanos and Hela's impending conquests and sacrifice wasn't what undid Ultron. So could he have actually been talking about how to defeat Thanos?

Also, sacrificing himself is exactly what earned him Mjolnir again in the first place when he chose to sacrifice himself to defeat the Destroyer.

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Avengers 4
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