Avengers 4 : 7 Most Likely Characters To Sacrifice Themselves

4. Nebula

Guardians Of The Galaxy Nebula Karen Gillanjpg
Marvel Studios

In the comics, Nebula plays a major role in taking the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos, but it's unlikely we'll see her relive that exact dynamic and become an even worse villain than her father. Instead, she could still play a key role in undoing his evil act.

She's already been living on borrowed time, as she was originally supposed to be killed off in Guardians Of The Galaxy, and it really wouldn't be all that surprising if she did die in the interest of thwarting Thanos.

Any Foreshadowing?

As she said in Guardians Vol 2, Nebula wants nothing more than vengeance on her father, at any cost, and it would be remarkably fitting for her to be the one to mess up his plans. He cast her off as inferior and proving her worth by triumphantly robbing him of his victory would be a wonderful end to her arc.

There would be something very poetic about one daughter choosing to die to thwart a father who underappreciated and abused her and then decided he didn't even love her enough to sacrifice her for his plan.

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Avengers 4
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