Avengers 4: 9 Surprise Cameos That Could Still Happen

7. Peggy Carter

Peggy Carter
Marvel Studios

Hayley Attwell's Aunt Peggy may have passed away in Captain America: Civil War, but that doesn't mean a surprise cameo in Avengers 4 should be written out.

Attwell has appeared in Ant-Man during a flashback and Age of Ultron in a Scarlet Witch hallucination, and if Steve Rogers is said to meet his end in the next Avengers, the opportunity to have him reunite with Peggy can't be passed up.

Civil War did attempt to invoke the spirit of Peggy in Steve and Sharon's own relationship, but the simple truth is that Chris Evans and Emily Van Camp haven't spent enough time together onscreen to strike up a convincing rapport. The First Avenger, however, was a love story through and through, and the chemistry between Attwell and Evans was heartbreakingly evident.

With that in mind, giving Steve the opportunity to get the dance with Peggy he missed out on would be the perfect way to close his journey. And make everyone cry - give or take.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.