Avengers 4: 9 Ways Thanos Could Be Killed

5. Gamora Undoes His "Deal"

Gamora Avengers Infinity War
Marvel Studios

If the suggestion that Gamora isn't actually dead but is instead trapped in Soul World is true - and it would fit with the lore of the comics - is true, then you have to think she's going to do whatever she can to escape. Just as the Silver Surfer gets out of the Soul World thanks to Adam Warlock in the comics, her escape could prove to be key.

In the lore of the MCU, the Soul Stone required Thanos' sacrifice of Gamora to give him full power. It was very much a contract. And undoing the contract would presumably undo the entire transaction, robbing Thanos of his powers over life and death as granted by the Stone.

That sort of reversal could fundamentally destabilise Thanos' powers entirely and make him vulnerable once more. And it would be fitting that the daughter he molded in his image - to be as brilliant and intelligent and scheming as him (but not as good a liar) - would be the one to work out how to undo him.

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