Avengers 4: 9 Ways Thanos Could Be Killed

4. Thor Aims Better (With Some Time Travelling Help)

Thor Thunder Infinity War
Marvel Studios

If time travel is indeed the key to undoing Thanos' snap and rebalancing the universe in its image from before Thanos' big moment then we could see Infinity War's final act replayed with a different outcome.

Rumour has it that Avengers 4's ending will be a redux of Infinity War's final act - specifically the battle on Wakanda - but after some key things are changed by the time travellers elsewhere in the timeline to weaken Thanos, the outcome is different. And that could mean that the hero moment that we all thought Thor was getting just as Thanos was about to use the Gauntlet might actually happen this time.

After all, the whole point of Stormbreaker is to be a Thanos-killer and it's not like Eitri seems like the kind of master forger to fail at his work. Plus, Thor did promise the Mad Titan he'd pay for killing Heimdall with his life...

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