Avengers 4: 9 Ways Thanos Could Be Killed

2. The Cosmic Entities Fight Back

Cosmic Entities Marvel
Marvel Comics

In the wake of Infinity War's release, the Russos filled in a lot of gaps in their own mythology, including finally answering why Thanos had waited to collect the Stones:

“The reason why he has not gone after the stones before is because the minute he does, the forces of the universe are gonna line up against him. If he doesn’t know where the Soul Stone is then what is the point.”

That's an interesting statement because of the mention of the "forces of the universe" coming together to defeat Thanos. That suggests we're going to see an alliance of everyone against Thanos, but that's arguably not going to change a great deal. He's still going to be the most powerful entity and they'll be cannon fodder if he chooses to use the Gauntlet against them.

But what about actual "Forces" of the universe? What if the Russos actually mean the cosmic entities charged with defending the universe? It would make sense that entities like the Living Tribunal, the Beyonder and Eternity would seek to make him pa for what he's done. He believes he's rebalanced the universe, but they won't agree (assuming they exist) and they could be the key to stopping him and reversing things to restore true balance.

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