Avengers 4: 9 Ways Thanos Could Be Killed

3. Captain Marvel Shows Her Power

Captain Marvel Vs Thanos
Marvel Studios

There's a reason Nick Fury put the call out to Captain Marvel when he knew something was amiss at the end of Infinity War and a reason why the MCU film-makers have made it very clear that she's the most powerful character in the franchise so far. It's because she's kind of a big deal.

Captain Marvel is the kind of powerful entity that Thanos should be legitimately scared of. She is an entire level above the Avengers and the Guardians and has a power set to rival Thanos when he's using the Infinity Gauntlet (assuming we're getting a true-the-comics adaptation of her, anyway). And given that she's being positioned as the new lead for the MCU, she needs a statement of power.

Seeing her battle Thanos and show off exactly what she brings to the party will be a great way for Marvel to shepherd in the new era of their franchise. And while they'll probably have to mellow out her powers after that (as they did with Vision), it would be a strong opening gambit for her.

And speaking of supremely powerful beings...

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Avengers 4
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