Avengers 4: Did A New Revelation Tease How Captain America Will Survive

1. More Cap Movies?

Captain America 4

The long and short of Cap being sent back in time and not killed off is that it leaves open the possibility of more Captain America films - which Marvel's shareholders at Disney will be delighted with, given his brand power these days.

If Cap goes back to the 1940s, as he did in the comics (to D-Day specifically), we could see more historical Cap films with the return of the cast from The First Avngrs (crucially including Peggy Carter and the Howling Commandoes who really deserve more screen time).

There are more stories to tell with wartime Cap and Marvel bosses did promise that Phase 4 may see them going to new time periods, which would fit a time jump. Perhaps it's wishful thinking, but there's definitely something to the evidence. And while fans would inevitably want him to return to the future, it arguably doesn't matter when he does (or if he does at all), because Cap's arc would be more satisfying if every sacrifice he'd made led him back to the time when he was happiest - with Peggy, waiting for his dance.

If nothing else, Cap deserves to end up back where it all began for him. And Marvel might have mapped out a way to get him there.

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