Avengers 4: Did A New Revelation Tease How Captain America Will Survive

2. Captain America Lost In Time

Captain America Reborn Hitler
Marvel Comics

After he is assassinated in the aftermath of Civil War. it turns out that Cap isn't in fact dead. He was simply frozen within space and time as the weapon "unstuck" him from the timeline. In essence, Cap is exists somewhere where time no longer matters. Just as it doesn't in the MCU's Quantum Realm.

Since we've been expecting to see the death of Captain America storyline ever since Civil War was announced in the MCU, it would be fitting that we'd get to see such an important post-event moment from the comics. Sure, it would be changed from the source, but that's Marvel Studio's usual gimmick anyway. And it would still be spiritually close to the material, which is the method of adaptation the MCU's film-makers seem to most favour.

Perhaps we'll see Cap transported to the Quantum Realm by Thanos (who believes he's killed him), where he'll travel outside of normal time and return to his own past as he did in the comics? We already know the Quantum Realm is likely to be the means to time travel in Avengers 4 that the survivors use to try and thwart Thanos, so why couldn't it also be used as a crossroads in time that sends Cap back too?


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