Avengers 4: EVERY Major Rumour Ranked Worst To Best

2. Time Travel Will Be Involved

Doctor Strange Time Stone
Marvel Studios

The Rumour

Way back when the first set leak photos appeared for Avengers 4, it looked very much like we were going to see the surviving Avengers heading back in time to undo what Thanos did, thanks to some strange hand-held devices that would teleport some of them back to the Battle Of New York.

Alternatively, the time travel devices might actually be developed inter-dimensional travel devices whose technology will be introduced in Ant-Man And The Wasp and will be developed by Hank Pym to allow travel through the Quantum Realm to different fixed points in time.

Quite WHY they travel back is the point of contention: some say it'll be to stop Thanos getting the Stones, others that the Avengers will go and recruit other heroes to help them... Whatever the case, the film will have to work hard not to throw in some serious timeline issues.

If they go back and undo things in their own past, they could unwittingly rub themselves out of existence entirely, and we've already seen that enough recently...


There's definitely going to be time travel. No amount of nay-saying can detract from it. It's just the specifics that need to be ironed out now.

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