Avengers 4: Predicting The Fate Of Every Avenger

20. Drax

Avengers 4
Marvel Studios

Current Status: Dusted

His Avengers 4 Fate: Drax has wanted Thanos' blood since the first Guardians movie, but he simply isn't strong enough to face him in a one-on-one battle, nor is he powerful enough to wield the Infinity Gauntlet (Nebula is part machine, so there are probably different rules for her).

Plus, with Infinity War reducing him to the comic relief of the group, it doesn't seem like he'll have a significant/important place in Avengers 4's story. Sure, he wants to avenge his family by killing Thanos, but Nebula wants some of that sweet, sweet revenge too, and given that Drax is currently dusted, Nebula is the more likely character to enjoy that particular arc.

Drax will definitely survive Avengers 4 (Dave Bautista recently told Collider he'll be in Guardians Vol. 3), but you can expect his role to be very similar to the one he had in Infinity War; small, and with a few comedic beats sprinkled here and there.

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