Avengers 4 Theory: Did Doctor Strange Time Travel To Captain Marvel?

3. The Evidence

Infinity War Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios

There really must be something to the theory presumably, because Fury immediately thinking of Captain Marvel is too much of a coincidence without some establishing work. He was way too prepared: having the pager at hand at all times suggests he had reason to believe that he would come to need to call her

Remember, Marvel is basically the most powerful being in the entire universe and there has to be a reason why she's not still on Earth (which we'll find out in her stand-alone debut) when the MCU timeline kicks off. Equally, there's also a reason why she's still made herself available in extreme circumstances. A warning of grave events would fit that.

Then there's Nick Fury's reaction to the snap's aftermath too. He acts like he knows he's about to die as if he's expecting to follow Maria Hill to dust when none of the other heroes do (aside from the ones who have some sort of precognitive powers). It's like he's been prepped, which is why he has a plan to act out when it happens.

And finally, the fact that Strange gives up the Time Stone so willingly suggests either that he has no use for it any more, or that something more powerful is coming that supersedes its importance. If he had used it to go and set Captain Marvel's return to Earth up, you could partly understand his willingness to give up the artifact.


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