Avengers 4 Title Predictions: What Is Infinity War's Sequel Called?!

7. Avengers: Heroes Reborn

Avengers Heroes Reborn
Marvel Comics

The Heroes Reborn comic event may not have been entirely beloved - it was known for its controversies - but it was popular for Marvel (and the third party imprints who looked after their properties for it) and sales picked up off the back of it.

More importantly - and pertinently for Infinity War - it dealt with the aftermath of a major event that killed off lots of characters (in that case Onslaught) and it would absolutely fit for the flalout of Thanos' snap.

It would also fit Marvel's usual trend of choosing titles because of what they sound like, rather than what happened in their events in the comics. So Civil War and Infinity War sound great for their in-MCU stories, but they don't really correlate with their source material all that much. Likewise Age Of Ultron and Thor: Ragnarok - they're named for familiarity to a certain extent, but it's more like they're chosen for how well they fit the NEW stories and that would certainly work with Heroes Reborn.

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