Avengers 4 Title Predictions: What Is Infinity War's Sequel Called?!

6. Ultimate Avengers

Ultimate Avengers
Marvel Comics

What better way to end the first era of the MCU than by returning to one of its biggest sources of inspiration - Mark Millar's Ultimates, which essentially sought to do for the Avengers what the MCU aimed to do for the characters. Modernise, stream-line, turn into blockbuster fare.

Intriguingly, the comic also streamlined the cast to focus on a core of characters - just as Infinity War's ending pretty much has - who were a far drker, more troubled lot than their forebears. They were edgier, cooler and more inspired by political machinations, which sounds exactly like the MCU heroes now they've come through both Civil War and Infinity War.

The best part of this sort of title is the implications it would have for the multiverse, as the Ultimate Universe is a separate reality to the mainline Marvel universe (though they crashed together in the second Secret Wars event, which has been suggested as a future possibility for the MCU). And it COULD imply that we'll get to see alternate universe heroes (or at least a journey to those universes to find Thanos' victims, where we might meet some other heroes).

And that could well be the best way to seed the introduction of the X-Men and the Fantastic Four too...

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