Avengers 4 Title Predictions: What Is Infinity War's Sequel Called?!

2. The New Avengers

The New Avengers

It may be fairly simple, but revealing the title of Avengers 4 as The New Avengers would have been spoilerific for Infinity War as it would have confirmed that the first movie was going to end with a significant number of deaths.

And the title absolutely fits the idea that Phase 4 is going to be an entirely new era for the MCU, with a whole new line-up heralded for the next decade of Marvel film-making. And though it would appear that it's the old guard who will be in charge for Avengers 4, there is no way that will still be the lay of the land at the end of the movie. And it's likely there will need to be a New Avengers team.

The MCU needs a new skin and the newer wave of characters (Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Black Panther, predominantly) to become the prime time players, outside of the shadows of the veterans. And the only way to do that is to kill them off and restart the Avengers Initiative.

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