Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 10 Minor Marvel Characters That Will Appear

6. Klaw

This one is still a rumour, admittedly, but one which is unlikely to be proven wrong this late in the game. People have been arguing over what exactly the mysterious role Andy Serkis will have to play in the film, with the godfather of motion-capture giving a rare appearance with his actual face, rather than having an ape or horrifyingly corrupted Hobbit pasted digitally over it. The smart money is on Serkis having a small role €“ again, the cast list for Age Of Ultron is getting to Doomsday Book lengths €“ as a relatively minor Marvel character, albeit one who's going to be important in the future. Everybody reckons he's going to be appearing as Ulysses Klaw, a supervillain who mainly menaces Black Panther but has recently took on Daredevil too. The latter of which makes more sense, since the blind superhero relies on his heightened other senses and Klaw is a former physicist who exists as pure sound. Before that however he was a colonialist asshole who went to the fictional African nation of Wakanda to nick some vibranium, the super-strong metal he needed for his sound weapon, which might also be what the Ultron robots are made of.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/